Comprehensive Global Family Mediation

Services for Couples in Transition

Richard earned his Ph.D. in Counselling Therapy (with a double major in Mediation and Counselling) in 1991. He had previously earned his Master’s Degree in Counselling from Antioch University at Harvard University in 1981. His experience spans the social services, business, government and education. He has worked in the field of Counselling for 35 years and in private practice as a Counsellor and as a Comprehensive Family Mediator – Arbitrator for the past 20 years. Richard has successfully completed over 2,000 comprehensive mediations.



1. One cross – trained professional co – ordinating the whole process. No artificial boundaries between child – related and financial issues.

2. Sensitivity and attention to emotions as well as to issues. With all the issues on the table there is a higher probability of success.

3. Lowest costs to clients. The method of sending a couple to a social worker for the child mediation and then to a lawyer for the financial mediation costs even more than the traditional method of involving two opposing lawyers.

4. Richard produces a complete, comprehensive written agreement.